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the way the body removes viruses




8th october 2011

handkerchiefs have gone out of fashion of late

surprisingly few people understand why they sneeze... it's the body ejecting a virus through the nose

in a baby and a child we see the unmentionable fluids and mucus that come through their noses when they sneeze

the unmentionable fluids and muscus are so disgusting to see we are quick to get the children not to sneeze

so the children learn not to let the mucus out

the virus has to go so the body passes it out of the body through the kidneys

the kidneys aren't designed to cope with the virus that the body is trying to remove and all sorts of lower back aches and pains occur as a result


it's a straight choice...

don't sneeze and experience lower back aches and pains or sneeze and spray your blouse or shirt, and others near you, with virus-riddled mucus

handkerchiefs, the latest fashion accessory ?


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